S. NO.
Brief Description
Year of Completion
Yallourn C, D & E Power Stations 4x50 MW & 2x120 MW Units in Australia – Ash Disposal System
State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Australia
Each Unit Capacity - 20 TPH. Modification of Ash Disposal System (continuous removal) through ash disposal pumps
EVN – Phalai Thermal Power Plant No. 2 (2x300 MW Units) in Vietnam – Ash Handling System
HDEC, Vietnam
Each Unit Capacity - 2x60 TPH (Bottom Ash) & 2x40 TPH (Fly Ash)
Bottom ash collected in water impounded hopper and ash slurry transported up to slurry sump through jet pump. Fly ash evacuated in dry form using mechanical exhauster (Vacuum Pumps) up to fly ash silo. Ash water recovery system also provided. The ash slurry from common slurry sump is pumped to ash disposal area using slurry pumps
2x10.8 MW Captive Power Plant (3x75 TPH Coal fired AFBC Boiler) in Indonesia - Ash Handling System
PT. Indo Bharat Rayon, Indonesia
Each Unit Capacity - 2x35 TPH. Ash is collected in silos by vacuum system using vacuum pumps
2x10.8 MW Captive Power Plant - Demineralisation Plant (DM System)
PT. Indo Bharat Rayon, Indonesia
DM plant for water softening provided on turnkey basis
Tanjung Bin Power Station 3x700 MW Units in Malaysia - Slurry Disposal System
IHI, Japan
Each Unit Capacity – Coarse Ash : 15 TPH & Fly Ash : 100 TPH Fly Ash evacuated from below the silo using feeder ejectors. Coarse ash evacuated using Air separator tank and bottom ash evacuated using scraper conveyors (by purchaser). The resultant slurry is transferred to disposal area using slurry pumps & basalt lined pipes
Tanjung Bin Power Station 3x700 MW Units in Malaysia - Pyrite System
IHI, Japan
Each Unit Capacity - 12 TPH Jet pumps provided below each mill for transferring mill pyrite to slurry sump
Glow CFBC Project 1x115 MW Unit in Thailand – Ash Handling System
Glow / Doosan, Korea
Capacity - 15 TPH (Bottom Ash) & 2x25 TPH (Fly Ash) Bottom ash collected is transferred to site using pressure system and fly ash is collected in silo using vacuum pumps
Coal fired Captive Power Plant 2x20 MW Units in Fujairah, UAE for Fujairah Cement Plant
Fujairah Cement Industries, UAE
Complete Power Plant executed on EPC basis
Mong Duong I Thermal Power Station 2x500 MW Units in Vietnam – Ash Handling System
Hyundai Rotem, Korea
Drag chain conveying system for bottom ash handling system and vacuum-cum-pressure conveying system for fly ash handling system for four (4) CFBC Boilers
Hwange Thermal Power Station 4x120 MW & 2x220 MW Units in Zimbabwe – Rehabilitation of Existing Ash Plant
Zimbabwe power company Ltd. /Crown Agents
Bottom Ash – Slanting bottom ash hopper with sluice trench removal. Fly Ash – Feeder ejector & sluice trench. Lean slurry disposal system